Servant Leadership
Many of you know that I am a leadership coach and trainer. Some have asked me, “Who do you think is the greatest leader that ever lived.” One can go down a long list of world leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, soldiers, and faith leaders, and you would come up with an impressive list. Today we celebrate the memory of one of the greatest leaders we have ever known, Dr. Martin Luther King. Yet, I am sure, that if he were alive today and you were to ask him, he would defer and point us to the one whom he served… Jesus of Nazareth. I am inspired today by a type of leadership taught by Jesus Christ and echoed by Dr. Martin Luther King in his historic speech, “The Drum Major Instinct.” That type of leadership is called “servant leadership.” It puts serving others above one’s self. I strive to daily seek to help others and add value to others. I hope this video that I have attached to this post will cause you to pause and reflect. The truth is that when we lift others, we all win. It has been said that a rising tide lifts all ships. I believe that. Let me ask you this question: What are you doing to serve others? Think about what steps can you take this week to raise your leadership level by serving others? Let us together change our world.
Dr. Eddie Rivero