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Are You Living Up To Your Name?

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. - John 1:12 NKJV


Years ago, I had the opportunity of visiting Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale to participate in an Evangelism Explosion training. The highlight of the multi-day event was meeting Dr. D. James Kennedy. I had the unique opportunity of speaking with him personally over dinner. He was a true hero of the faith. I can still remember the conversation we had and the words he imparted. He has gone to be with the Lord but his imprint on my life is indelible.

During the Wednesday evening service, he shared a story that shook me. I never imagined a scholarly Presbyterian preacher could bring such conviction to my soul. The following story was part of his sermon. It’s not word for word, but I’ll try to share it from memory.

A man in the army of Alexander the Great who was also named Alexander, was captured by his own fellow soldiers after abandoning his battalion. He was found hiding in a cave and was brought before Alexander, who asked what his name was. He replied softly, "Alexander." "I can't hear you," the ruler stated. The man again said, a little louder, "Alexander." The great leader was shocked that this cowardly soldier would bear his same name. Infuriated and not knowing whether to execute the cowardly youth or show mercy, Alexander the Great ordered with a stern and commanding voice, "Young man, either change your name or change your conduct." And then with that deep Charlton Heston like voice, Dr. Kennedy paused and pointed his finger to the congregation and said, “Christian! Are you living your life worthy of the Master? Either change your name or change your conduct!” How about you? Man of God... Woman of God... Are you living up to your name? Eddie Rivero

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