You are invited to join Dr. Eddie Rivero on this exciting 3-day vision trip to Haiti!
The Mission of Hope ‘Vision Trip’ is designed for business leaders, denominational leaders and senior pastors. These leaders will see first hand the conditions in Haiti, the transformational work being done by Mission of Hope Haiti and its partners. You will visit surrounding Haitian villages to evaluate the present living conditions of the Haitian people.
Vision Trips start with dinner on Mondays at Mission of Hope and end after lunch on Wednesdays. MOH will cover your costs for transportation, food, and lodging while you are in Haiti. You are responsible for your round-trip flights to Port-au-Prince and any additional costs associated with travel.
We will fly out of Miami International Airport (MIA) Monday AM.
Arrive in Haiti and tour Mission of Hope's Campus.
Experience the start of the school day and the behind the scenes operations of MOH. Visit the surrounding villages MOH is working in and end with an evening worship service at the Church of Hope.
Travel back home.
​We host 4 trips a year. These trips are customizable for each team. For more information or to register, email me at