Dr. Jonathan C. Carey
President, CTC Network RD
CEO, Hope Initiative
Enris Belliard
Exec. Director
CTC Network RD
Dr. Eddie Rivero
VP, CTC Network RD
CEO, Global Advance NGO
CTC Network RD is our non-profit foundation registered in the Dominican Republic (RNC 4-30-30146-9). Our DR offices and Ministry Center is located in the municipality of El Carril, Haina in the province of San Cristobal. This center serves as short term housing for visiting ministry teams (lodging for 16 team members) and dignitaries. A complete service kitchen, living room, and dining area provide a comfortable environment for our guests. The facilities also accommodates a 35 person Leadership Training Center
National projects presently underway are a church construction project, medical/dental clinic, and community thrift store in San Juan de la Maguana, and a community center in El Carril, Bajos de Haina.
On our short term missions trips, we conduct leadership workshops for local pastors, government officials, and business professionals along with back-to-school outreach, workshops for single-mothers, medical outreach, food and clothing giveaways, and ongoing construction projects. For more information and travel requirements, please contact Dr. Eddie Rivero at (305) 297-3859 or info@eddierivero.com